Saturday, September 27, 2008

Merging Messenger History

Well, as you've probably learned from one of my previous posts, I use WLM a lot. After switching back to WLM from Adium after 8 months of usage I've put on my list the task to merge the chat histories of both those programs.

I didn't have a lot of time to do it since I have joined the Army two months ago, but I took this Saturday to finally get it done.

I wrote two scripts:
  • One converts the XML history logs Adium generates to the Messenger Plus! history logs and folder structure
  • The other merges two Messenger Plus! history folder structures into one
I used this to merge it with my 2005-2007 history logs from the old PC as well.

Anyway, links to the scripts are at the end of this post.

You should notice that I use the by-month folder structure and not the by-person one. Also, I use Hebrew locale, so you'll have to change toWeekdayName and toMonthName in to match your locale.

Have fun and just don't forget to back your files up before you start playing with them!


The scripts: