Saturday, January 3, 2009

WinPopup Quicksilver Module Revised

Hi, wandering Googler.

I haven't wrote anything new for quite a time. This is because I joined the army in the end of July, and I don't have a lot of time to write new stuff.

I did, however, find a couple of minutes today to rewrite something in my WinPopup Quicksilver Module. It now queries all the WINS servers it can find, instead of just the first one. This is useful when connected to a network containing computers from more than one workgroup.

Here is the new version and the revised source.

By the way - I'm working on something pretty big. It's called oneTunes (until I'll find a better name). It was actually almost done since before I joined the army, but I don't have any time to finish it. It's a program that helps make PCs and Macs use one shared iTunes library, with one copy of the files on one computer, and the ability to import new songs or make changes from every computer connected to it.

Up until now this was not possible - the only existing solutions are: syncing libraries on different computers (you then have more than one copy of your library); doing some hacks to have PCs or Macs use the same library and database file (not possible between a PC and a Mac, because the database format is different); or using the iTunes library sharing (which doesn't let you import new songs, and doesn't act like a native library). I might have forgotten a specific solution, but the point is - there is no existing solution (at least a free one) to have one iTunes library for PCs and Macs.


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